High-Level Array API

Finch tensors also support many of the basic array operations one might expect, including indexing, slicing, and elementwise maps, broadcast, and reduce. For example:

julia> A = fsparse([1, 1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 5, 6], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
└─ SparseCOO{2} (0.0) [:,1:6]
   ├─ [1, 2]: 1.0
   ├─ [1, 4]: 2.0
   └─ [2, 5]: 3.0

julia> A + 0
└─ Dense [:,1:6]
   ├─ [:, 1]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 0.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 0.0
   │  └─ [3]: 0.0
   ├─ [:, 2]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 1.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 0.0
   │  └─ [3]: 0.0
   ├─ ⋮
   ├─ [:, 5]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 0.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 3.0
   │  └─ [3]: 0.0
   └─ [:, 6]: Dense [1:3]
      ├─ [1]: 0.0
      ├─ [2]: 0.0
      └─ [3]: 0.0

julia> A + 1
└─ Dense [:,1:6]
   ├─ [:, 1]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 1.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 1.0
   │  └─ [3]: 1.0
   ├─ [:, 2]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 2.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 1.0
   │  └─ [3]: 1.0
   ├─ ⋮
   ├─ [:, 5]: Dense [1:3]
   │  ├─ [1]: 1.0
   │  ├─ [2]: 4.0
   │  └─ [3]: 1.0
   └─ [:, 6]: Dense [1:3]
      ├─ [1]: 1.0
      ├─ [2]: 1.0
      └─ [3]: 1.0

julia> B = A .* 2
└─ SparseDict (0.0) [:,1:6]
   ├─ [:, 2]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 2.0
   ├─ [:, 4]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 4.0
   └─ [:, 5]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
      └─ [2]: 6.0

julia> B[1:2, 1:2]
└─ SparseDict (0.0) [:,1:2]
   └─ [:, 2]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:2]
      └─ [1]: 2.0

julia> map(x -> x^2, B)
└─ SparseDict (0.0) [:,1:6]
   ├─ [:, 2]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 4.0
   ├─ [:, 4]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 16.0
   └─ [:, 5]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
      └─ [2]: 36.0

Array Fusion

Finch supports array fusion, which allows you to compose multiple array operations into a single kernel. This can be a significant performance optimization, as it allows the compiler to optimize the entire operation at once. The two functions the user needs to know about are lazy and compute. You can use lazy to mark an array as an input to a fused operation, and call compute to execute the entire operation at once. For example:

julia> C = lazy(A);

julia> D = lazy(B);

julia> E = (C .+ D)/2;

julia> compute(E)
└─ SparseDict (0.0) [:,1:6]
   ├─ [:, 2]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 1.5
   ├─ [:, 4]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
   │  └─ [1]: 3.0
   └─ [:, 5]: SparseDict (0.0) [1:3]
      └─ [2]: 4.5

In the above example, E is a fused operation that adds C and D together and then divides the result by 2. The compute function examines the entire operation and decides how to execute it in the most efficient way possible. In this case, it would likely generate a single kernel that adds the elements of A and B together and divides each result by 2, without materializing an intermediate.


Create a lazy tensor from an argument. All operations on lazy tensors are lazy, and will not be executed until compute is called on their result.

for example,

x = lazy(rand(10))
y = lazy(rand(10))
z = x + y
z = z + 1
z = compute(z)

will not actually compute z until compute(z) is called, so the execution of x + y is fused with the execution of z + 1.

compute(args..., ctx=default_scheduler()) -> Any

Compute the value of a lazy tensor. The result is the argument itself, or a tuple of arguments if multiple arguments are passed.



Finch also supports a highly general @einsum macro which supports any reduction over any simple pointwise array expression.

@einsum tns[idxs...] <<op>>= ex...

Construct an einsum expression that computes the result of applying op to the tensor tns with the indices idxs and the tensors in the expression ex. The result is stored in the variable tns.

ex may be any pointwise expression consisting of function calls and tensor references of the form tns[idxs...], where tns and idxs are symbols.

The <<op>> operator can be any binary operator that is defined on the element type of the expression ex.

The einsum will evaluate the pointwise expression tns[idxs...] <<op>>= ex... over all combinations of index values in tns and the tensors in ex.

Here are a few examples:

@einsum C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
@einsum C[i, j, k] += A[i, j] * B[j, k]
@einsum D[i, k] += X[i, j] * Y[j, k]
@einsum J[i, j] = H[i, j] * I[i, j]
@einsum N[i, j] = K[i, k] * L[k, j] - M[i, j]
@einsum R[i, j] <<max>>= P[i, k] + Q[k, j]
@einsum x[i] = A[i, j] * x[j]