
General Purpose (@finch)

Most users will want to use the @finch macro, which executes the given program immediately in the given scope. The program will be JIT-compiled on the first call to @finch with the given array argument types. If the array arguments to @finch are type stable, the program will be JIT-compiled when the surrounding function is compiled.

Very often, the best way to inspect Finch compiler behavior is through the @finch_code macro, which prints the generated code instead of executing it.

@finch [options...] prgm

Run a finch program prgm. The syntax for a finch program is a set of nested loops, statements, and branches over pointwise array assignments. For example, the following program computes the sum of two arrays A = B + C:

@finch begin
    A .= 0
    for i = _
        A[i] = B[i] + C[i]
    return A

Finch programs are composed using the following syntax:

  • arr .= 0: an array declaration initializing arr to zero.
  • arr[inds...]: an array access, the array must be a variable and each index may be another finch expression.
  • x + y, f(x, y): function calls, where x and y are finch expressions.
  • arr[inds...] = ex: an array assignment expression, setting arr[inds] to the value of ex.
  • arr[inds...] += ex: an incrementing array expression, adding ex to arr[inds]. *, &, |, are supported.
  • arr[inds...] <<min>>= ex: a incrementing array expression with a custom operator, e.g. <<min>> is the minimum operator.
  • for i = _ body end: a loop over the index i, where _ is computed from array access with i in body.
  • if cond body end: a conditional branch that executes only iterations where cond is true.
  • return (tnss...,): at global scope, exit the program and return the tensors tnss with their new dimensions. By default, any tensor declared in global scope is returned.

Symbols are used to represent variables, and their values are taken from the environment. Loops introduce index variables into the scope of their bodies.

Finch uses the types of the arrays and symbolic analysis to discover program optimizations. If B and C are sparse array types, the program will only run over the nonzeros of either.

Semantically, Finch programs execute every iteration. However, Finch can use sparsity information to reliably skip iterations when possible.

options are optional keyword arguments:

  • algebra: the algebra to use for the program. The default is DefaultAlgebra().
  • mode: the optimization mode to use for the program. Possible modes are:
    • :debug: run the program in debug mode, with bounds checking and better error handling.
    • :safe: run the program in safe mode, with modest checks for performance and correctness.
    • :fast: run the program in fast mode, with no checks or warnings, this mode is for power users.
    The default is :safe.

See also: @finch_code


@finch_code [options...] prgm

Return the code that would be executed in order to run a finch program prgm.

See also: @finch


Ahead Of Time (@finch_kernel)

While @finch is the recommended way to use Finch, it is also possible to run finch ahead-of-time. The @finch_kernel macro generates a function definition ahead-of-time, which can be evaluated and then called later.

There are several reasons one might want to do this:

  1. If we want to make tweaks to the Finch implementation, we can directly modify the source code of the resulting function.
  2. When benchmarking Finch functions, we can easily and reliably ensure the benchmarked code is inferrable.
  3. If we want to use Finch to generate code but don't want to include Finch as a dependency in our project, we can use @finch_kernel to generate the functions ahead of time and copy and paste the generated code into our project. Consider automating this workflow to keep the kernels up to date!
@finch_kernel [options...] fname(args...) = prgm

Return a definition for a function named fname which executes @finch prgm on the arguments args. args should be a list of variables holding representative argument instances or types.

See also: @finch


As an example, the following code generates an spmv kernel definition, evaluates the definition, and then calls the kernel several times.

    A = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))))
    x = Tensor(Dense(Element(0.0)))
    y = Tensor(Dense(Element(0.0)))
    def = @finch_kernel function spmv(y, A, x)
        y .= 0.0
        for j = _, i = _
            y[i] += A[i, j] * x[j]
        return y

function main()
    for i = 1:10
        A2 = Tensor(Dense(SparseList(Element(0.0))), fsprand(10, 10, 0.1))
        x2 = Tensor(Dense(Element(0.0)), rand(10))
        y2 = Tensor(Dense(Element(0.0)))
        spmv(y2, A2, x2)
